الخميس، 12 ديسمبر 2013


Blog specializes in all aspects of marketing AlFFillate and specifically how to register in Click Bank product selection and the best ways to sell products Click Bank and non-traditional ways to sell products Click Bank

The ideal product for the marketing of products Click Bank

As we have said , the aim of dealing with the Click Bank is a selection of products ideal and successful and is , without exception, digital products ( Digital ) Therefore , these products are not products rechargeable damage or loss but are products carried by the buyer through certain links and torrent gets it from the seller of the original , which the owner of the product and not the marketer any link so job of the marketer is to reach the buyer or customer to a page selling after persuade him and the customer access to a page selling and then to the payment page , the Buy product has earned your commission does not differentiate you that the product has met to accept the buyer and keep it or re- in a period of 60 days and recovered the money it has got your commission and the case ended , but remember that you said you want to build trust and build a good reputation in this area and make for yourself customers susceptible to buy from you more than once, be sure to choose a product with a good reputation and who cast accepted so as not to lose your customers and therefore must be a conscious and a professional in the sense that considering the product a good study , especially since the experience personally , for example, to make sure the benefit of the product and its success in meeting the request of the purchaser , and the most important things that you care about Fahim successful marketer .

Click Bank terminology -:

A detailed explanation of the market Click Bank and how to choose a successful product to market .
There are more than 10,000 product can be marketed these products are arranged by classification and you can search for them through
. Your use of keywords keywords-:

 Earned / Sale $
Mean net profit , which is profit for the marketer of the product per each.
Through this trait can be determined how much is the net gain of gain from the sale of this product .

 Earned / Sale%
This percentage was decided that Serbhaa marketer in the event of a product to sell between 25 % to 75% 0 ( commission per Allegiance ) and this
Ratio determined by the seller and the owner of the product , of course, prefer large commission .


  This ratio determines the success of the product and marketed it by marketers
Above it means that success is positive.

Spread : - Gravity
This paragraph controlled by Click Bank and it is defined by the extent of the spread and quality of the product and are shown in the form of an approximate figure .
In general the more wide spread and is find out by the existing number , for example, 225 or 375 or
The like it is suggesting that the product is perfect and profitable and that there are many marketers who are profiting from it
Good .

Successful product specifications : -
Here are some points that will help you in choosing your product catalog : -
. Make sure the product you choose has a penetration rate is reasonable and should be higher than 30
To make sure that this product is well-known and people are looking for a product that he chose to get the proportion of the more wide spread prevalence was high .

You can be sure that the ratio that you earn from this product is the ratio of a logical result of your trouble for your promotion Hmalttakd that the product pays well .

Earned / Sale $

To see the referred and gravity ( gravity ) , the ratio was higher than 85% , it means that the product has been widely accepted by the cast Many marketers sell you .
Study the product page , the product page was strong and attractive graphics and the use of the professional , it means that the product will play palatable.
Read the copywrite existing page marketing a product owner the ability to make a strong content marketing because many of the owners of the products are able to convince you the product to the point where you Tstlv Almottag to buy the book and there are professionals in this art products owners resort to them to write this interesting content .

How to browse the product page carefully-:

You need to be scrutinized in the following-:
 Main and sub- header : -
The majority of visitors are buying the product from the first 5 seconds of their arrival to this page, regardless of if he decided to stay in or leave the product page
Therefore, you should ensure that Page and attractive with strong subject for visitors and carry distinctive title .

 Illustrate the points of interest that benefit the client when you buy this product .
The visitor survey process fast in this Page Jobseeker Interest generated by the product , which in theory, help to solve a specific problem to have.

 Some experiments for this product : -
Trust is an important component of the product page so and so as to ensure that this product will be sold that was marketed and to raise the credibility of the product and the publisher also find that there are some reports and attached pictures of the owners cast their opinion in the use of this product and this enhances the confidence of the visiting when deciding to buy this product.

Guarantees : -
When complete the customer to buy the product they take Risk on them could buy the product , but after you buy it is clear to them that it is not compatible with the solution of their problem and in order to increase the product owner of the purchasing power it that puts a guarantee of the product , such as what you find some of the sentences in the absence of your belief in our product , you can Restore your entire paid-up ) in a period of 60 days).

Bonus or incentive to buy: -
Click bank specializing in digital products ( Aldegtal ) just so he gives attractive offers in order to buy products ( Bonus ) In some cases, this free offer will be stronger and better than the original product , for example : -
Aandashraúk one product . You get on one of the other free products in one of the sites gives an incentive to Astm which sells software Otto Blog Samurai is a very important program for the owners of blogs that deal with Google Adsense for fresh content

Interface product or page: -
You must be the owner of a well- designed product for his in terms of the elements , graphics , etc. .... template .
a href="http://131e1pqg15u6ec5ntbydulokev.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=1>